Soul Provider
Akai Professional proudly presents SOUL PROVIDER, the newest expansion pack for your MPC. Warm, punchy and delivering a truckload of classic vibe, this impeccably mixed collection of sounds delivers vinyl-drenched electric bass, chopped soul vocal stabs, gospel-tinged R&B keys, lush pads and much more to your MPC.
Immensely versatile, SOUL PROVIDER is going to be a constant go-to for producers covering everything from Dilla-inspired boom bap to the Future R&B sounds of Flying Lotus, and everything in between. Also available as an iMPC Pro Pack.
Pack Contents
25 MPC Drum Kits | 24 Sequences/Patterns | 384 Samples
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Soul Provider
Immensely versatile, SOUL PROVIDER is going to be a constant go-to for producers covering everything from Dilla-inspired boom bap to the Future R&B sounds of Flying Lotus, and everything in between.
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